Jared checks our blog about once a month. In this month's perusal, he observed a shocking lack of pictures of himself. To rectify the situation, I had the babysitter snap this before we went to Jared's work Christmas party. We don't get dressed up very often, so I'm glad we got a picture to document it. Jared's party was fun....aka...free food. The music was loud but good and I even found someone to talk to that wasn't a boring accountant and was even mormon (aka not drunk). We made the rounds to make sure that everyone important saw us there, and then left before people got too drunk. Biggest disappointment of the night: I found the most fabulous desert and was about to go back for 2nds, and 3rds and 4th's(they were served in mini glasses and I could have eaten 10 and not been satisfied) ....when my 'mormon' acquaintance tells me that the little brownie chunks mixed into the fabulous mouse mixture were soaked in alcohol. I'm not sure how you soak a brownie in alcohol without cooking it out, but she seemed to think it's wasn't kosher considering the whole word of wisdom thing. So I reluctantly turned my back on the desert table and just savored the memory of my alcohol soaked brownie/mouse mixture.
Anyway, it was a fun night out with Jared, and we can't wait to get to Idaho to do some more celebrating of this wonderful time of year.
Angie's 2025 Must Be Mine
2 weeks ago