Monday, February 22, 2010

January/February Update

Mia has been busy the last month in school and with friends. She was a flapper girl in her 2nd grade play. She spent every spare minute for two weeks learning her dance and speaking part. She makes a very cute flapper girl.

Mia had a Valentines play date here with her school friends and then they went to Lizzy's house for a sleepover. What a fun holiday weekend for her.

Sprinkles Anyone???

Mia had a school project to research one type of penguin; make a visual project of the penguin and it's habitat; and present a 5 minute presentation. Mia picked the Macaroni penguin. Up to this point in her school career I have been able to handle her projects, but my creativity hit a major wall here. So, luckily Super Dad stepped in and saved the day with this paper mache penguin that was awesome. (Yes, we were THOSE parents that did a lot of her project for her, but she did the research and memorized her speech and helped with as much as she could, so give me a break). She is so great at presentations......what a girl. I'm very proud of her.

As for the boys, they have been up to no good. Brant discovered that he can put half a banana in his mouth at one time.....big cheek pictures are always funny.

Mason spilled his yogurt AGAIN.....but this time it was funny because somehow he did this......... (I asked him if I could take a picture before I cleaned him off)

I am at a total loss to know what to do with this kid. He can climb up anything. He moves chairs until they are where he wants them and then grunts and pulls and cries till he gets on top and then smiles because he is so proud, but then gets SOOO mad when I pull him off the computer or piano or table. He climbed up to the computer last week and fell off and majorly bit his lip. Luckily my friend's husband is a Doctor and came over and cleaned him up. Wow, blood everywhere and two big holes in his face later.....he still climbs on everything. I spend most of my days with the chairs in the middle of the living room where if he climbs up he won't get anything. UGGGGGGGGG!

"HMMMMMM What will happen if I push this one????"

Anyone want to sword fight????? We've got some experts here.

Brant found an orange, peeled/decimated it and ate it. Yes I feed him. He just really wanted that orange. Plus it's fun to make a mess, right?

Even though the boys can be very mischievous, aren't they angles when they sleep!