Monday, October 15, 2007

Mason's 2nd Birthday

Mason's 2nd birthday was October 10th. We had a fun day and Mason was very patient not to open his presents until Jared got home. He only snuck some of his cake once before I realized it was too close to the edge of the counter and he could stick his little fingers in and get the frosting.
Mason got so many great things from grandparents...Thanks again everyone. We couldn't pull him away from the first present he opened to focus on everything else(Thanks Maxine for the hammer game...he wouldn't let it go...he loves it!). But finally we got to the main event...
I sent Jared to the store the night before to pick out his present. I told him to get a truck and I was very specific in telling him that it couldn't be any bigger than a small toaster because there is no room for big toys. This is what he came back with...
Mason loves it! I don't know where we are going to put it, but the kids think its great.


Hilary said...

What a cutie! Happy #2 Mason!

Bruce said...

My brothers had a big truck like that when we were little, we ALL loved it. Good find Jared. Big. . . but so many great memories will come from it I am sure!

simplycreating said...

Happy Birthday Mason! I love the truck. I'm still wondering why you sent Jared to the store if you wanted a little truck? I do have to agree with Jared though this truck is awesome.

Lindsey Ricks Benedict said...

Mason is so cute! I love how excited and animated he looks in each picture! But my fav is when he is giving his big sis a ride in his new toy!