I was getting the kids ready for bed and looking forward to having a long Saturday evening of laundry and maybe even reading a little when I heard an unusually large thud in the kids room. Long story short....Mason broke his arm. I am very proud of myself...I freaked out considerably less than the last time we rushed a kid to the E.R. for a broken arm (Mia's most recent break was hideous) I am so thankful for wonderful neighbors. Thanks Stacey and Scott for watching Mia. Jared was at work, so I called him and told him to meet me there. It took us both 20 minutes to get there and we pulled in at the exact same time. I was nervous to take him by myself, so I was so glad to see Jared. Mason didn't stop crying for about an hour, but after all the strange doctors stopped touching him he fell right asleep and stayed asleep through the ex-ray. He's a trooper. He keeps trying to climb on things one handed. I had to go rescue him just a minute ago from the bunk beds. He'd climbed up and was stuck hanging on with only one hand. He kept unwrapping the temporary cast, so I'm glad we got the real thing on today. I think between Mia and I telling him how cool it is, we've convinced him to like the cast. He's back to his normal self and it hasn't slowed him down at all.
Angie's 2025 Must Be Mine
1 month ago