I need to record more of the funny things my kids say, so here goes this week's funniest moments from Mason
A few days ago as we were reading the scriptures with the kids the word repent came up and I asked the kids if they knew what it meant and Mia gave a good answer and Mason asked why we need to repent and I said something like "When we do something wrong or make a mistake......." Then Mason interrupts and says "Oh like when we start someone's house on fire?"............um yes Mason when you start someone's house on fire you need to repent.......said with a totally straight face while I was dieing laughing on the inside. I then pointed out that we can repent for little things too, but when I told Jared about it later that night he was proud of the fact that the kid thinks big.
One more quick one. Tonight when Mason was procrastinating going to bed he came out to talk to me. He told me that the reason he wakes at night is because Jared burps so loud at night (He pointed at his rear when he said 'burp'). I then told him the correct term is fart......come on he has got to know the difference right?????
Angie's 2025 Must Be Mine
1 month ago