Yesterday in Young Womens our lesson was on journal writing and since this is the closest thing to journaling I've done in quite some time, I thought I'd catch up a bit. I broke our camera a couple of weeks ago at Mia's dance recital, so I'm sorry I don't have any pictures to liven up my blog. So here goes:
May 14th: Tonight for Family Home Evening we watched the massive rain storm outside. I procratsinated preparing anything for FHE, so I decided to wing it. We had major thunderstorm warnings today and the big one hit just as we were getting ready for bed. We popped a bag of popcorn and turned my big 2 1/2 person rocker(one of my favorite possesions...just the right size for one hippy adult and two scrawny kids) towards the big window and watched the sheets of rain come down, and the lightening flash. Mia insisted that if this was going to count as FHE that we say the prayer and sing we did and then we took turns saying how thankful we were for the rain...I think Mia's real reason for being thankful for the rain was that she got to stay up late and watch the storm. Our conversation turned to the earth and how pretty it is after rain and then mia asked how God made the earth and so we discussed the seven days and what God created on each day and then that led to the Sabbath day...long story short.... Procrastination rocks. This was a really fun FHE.
May 13th: Mothers Day started with a bang...literally. The electrical box thingy to our building blew up at 6:30 a.m. taking our electriciy with it. Since our kids were watching T.V. while Jared and I unsucessfully tried to get a few more minutes of sleep, this was a major tragedy. We took the kids outside to show them that the explosion wasn't anything major and then they wanted to go for a walk so we walked around the nearby buildings...we then realized that most people have their windows open and don't appreciate being woken up by giggling kids at 7:00 on Sunday morning. So, to entertain the kids Jared took us on a ride downtown(the real reason was get his lesson manual that he left in his office). The kids love going to Daddy's work. They love going downtown and riding the big elevator to the 33rd floor to see where Dad works. Mason particulary likes the oddly painted horse statues as you walk into the office(they cost more than a very large house and are hidious looking). The kids enjoyed running around the big empty office and twirling around in Jared's work chair. The best part of the candy and hot chocolate in the break room. Aside from Mia spilling hot chocolate all over herself, it was a fun little trip.
The biggest thing I look forward to on Mothers day is hearing the primary kids sing in Sacrament meeting. Because I was out with Mason, I didn't realize until I got into the chapel that the kids had already sung their song in Relief Society. (I'm rarely in Relief Society because of timing issues...our ward is weird and until recently we had young womens during Relief Society) anyway, the music leader sat in front of us and said: you didn't get to hear the primary sing, we were going to skip the song in sacrament meeting, but I'll let you make the call and decide.....I got to hear my song. I had heard Mia singing "Mother I love you, Mother I do" all week and it was even better and so much fun to see her singing up on the stage with a beaming smile just for me...
May 10th: We planted our "garden"...we have two planter boxes of flowers and two tomato plants out on our deck. I almost killed the tomato plants before I even bought them. I was frustrated with Mason because he kept grabing stuff out of the Walmart cart and throwing it out(he has really long arms...he was buckled into the cart and could still reach the food). So finally after he had done it a million times I grabbed what he had in his hands and threw it back in the cart and totally smashed the plants that I had carefully protected by putting up a barrier made out of dipers and milk. Luckily it was only a bag of marshmellows and only one major stem broke off. I let Mia invite Abby and Payton over to plant the seeds in the planter boxes. They were great at taking turns and poking the holes and setting the seeds in really soft and then patting them down with more dirt. They did get a little impatient and ended up dumping most of the seeds in big clumps, so we'll see if they grow or not. Even if the flowers actually do grow, they don't have much of a chance at success...between Mason's irresistable urges to dump out the dirt and Jared having to take care of the flowers while I'm in Idaho for five weeks this summer...they don't have much of a chance. But it's fun anyway.
May 5th: Mia had her dance recital. I wish I had my camera to show you all the pictures, but as I mentioned before, I broke the camera and I can't download them till we get a new camera. A lady in our ward gave the dance classes for free for the last four months. Two moms made the costumes for ten dollars and they looked fabulous. The kids had a blast and Mia is still singing the songs from it.
Angie's 2025 Must Be Mine
1 month ago
Liz it was great to get updated on how you guys are doing. I loved your family home evening, but my favorite was Mason in the shopping cart. I can totally relate. He sounds exactly like Weston. I'm glad you actually made it out of the store with your tomatoe plants. I hope your seeds grow!
You are such a great mom! As much as I love pictures, it was fun to just sit back (while Anson's asleep) and read! What cute stories!
I must just be really emotional today, but I'm not really sure if that's different from any other day. Your FHE just made me cry because I too love the earth and think that it is so beautiful after the rain. It truly is an amazing creation. I'm glad I'm not the only one that smashes the bread, and bruises the fruit from frustration of having to pick the food up off the floor after my kids giggle and throw it out faster than I can throw it back in! You are a terrific mom Liz - I hope you had a terrific mother's day!
I love hearing about your family, but it makes me miss you guys so much too! I'm glad you told Tag and Tracy about our blog, does any one else from Bible Park have one? We'll have to talk sometime soon so you can fill me in on the YW drama, there's always plenty, right?
It is good to hear that other moms are going through the same things I am! =)
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